How To Report Internet Extortion

Don't let online extortionists get away with their crimes. Learn how to report internet extortion with our comprehensive guide. We'll walk you through the steps to take, including contacting authorities and preserving evidence, to ensure justice is served.

The internet has become a vast and complex world that has opened up many possibilities for communication, commerce, and entertainment. However, this virtual world has also given rise to a new form of crime known as internet extortion. Internet extortion is a criminal act that involves the use of the internet to threaten, intimidate, or harm individuals or businesses for financial gain. 

What is Internet Extortion?

Internet extortion is a criminal offense that involves the use of the internet to obtain money, property, or services from individuals or businesses by threatening to reveal embarrassing, damaging, or confidential information about them. Internet extortion can take many forms, including blackmail, ransom, email spam, malicious software attacks, and protection schemes.

Types of Internet Extortions

Blackmail: Blackmail is the act of threatening to reveal embarrassing or damaging information about an individual or business if they do not comply with the extortionist's demands. This can include threats to release sensitive information, such as personal photos, financial data, or confidential business information.

Ransom: Ransom is the act of demanding money or other valuable items in exchange for the release of a person or property. Ransomware attacks are a common form of ransom, where an extortionist will use malicious software to lock an individual or business out of their computer systems until they pay a ransom.

Email spam: Email spam is a form of internet extortion that involves sending unsolicited emails to individuals or businesses, often with the intent of tricking them into giving money or personal information. This can include phishing scams, where an extortionist poses as a legitimate business or organization to obtain sensitive information.

Malicious software attacks: Malicious software attacks, such as viruses, worms, and Trojans, can be used to extort money or information from individuals or businesses. These attacks can cause damage to computer systems or steal sensitive information, which can then be used to extort money or other valuable items.

Protection schemes: Protection schemes are a form of internet extortion that involves an extortionist offering protection from a threat, such as a cyber attack, in exchange for money or other valuable items. These protection schemes are often fraudulent and do not provide any real protection.

How to Report Internet Extortion

If you are a victim of internet extortion, it is essential to report the crime to the appropriate authorities. Reporting internet extortion can help to prevent others from falling victim to the same crime and can also aid in the prosecution of the extortionist. The following steps can be taken to report internet extortion:

  • Gather evidence: Before reporting internet extortion, it is important to gather as much evidence as possible. This can include emails, text messages, or any other communication from the extortionist.

  • Contact law enforcement: The first step in reporting internet extortion is to contact your local law enforcement agency. They can help to investigate the crime and provide you with guidance on how to proceed.

  • Contact the FBI: If the internet extortion involves a significant amount of money or is part of a larger criminal organization, it is recommended to contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The FBI has a dedicated internet crime division that can help to investigate the crime and bring the extortionist to justice.

  • Contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3): The IC3 is a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center that is dedicated to investigating internet crimes, including internet extortion. You can file a complaint with the IC3 online through their website.

Who to Report Internet Extortion to

The following agencies can be contacted to report internet extortion:

  • Local law enforcement agencies

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  • Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

Cost of Advice

It is important to note that reporting internet extortion may come with a cost. Legal advice can be expensive, but there are resources available for individuals who cannot afford legal representation. The FBI and IC3 offer free consultation and expert advice on how to proceed with reporting internet extortion. It is also important to note that reporting internet extortion can help to recover any money or property that was extorted from you.

Internet extortion is a serious crime that can have devastating consequences for individuals and businesses. Reporting internet extortion is essential to prevent others from falling victim to the same crime and to bring the extortionist to justice. By following the steps outlined in this article, victims of internet extortion can report the crime to the appropriate authorities and receive the help they need to recover from the crime. Remember, reporting internet extortion is 100% confidential, and expert advice is available for free.